Saturday, January 21, 2012

Hello Ladies!

I am really excited for Enrichment this year! We can't wait to plan some fun activities for everyone! I will be handing out a survey at church to get your feedback on some ideas for activities and classes you want to see happen this year. I would greatly appreciate your input and help! If any of you talented ladies would like to teach a class or activity, we would love it! We have so much to learn from each other! Any help would be very much appreciated.
As you can see I have made some changes to the blog and tried to update it. If there is anything else you would like to see on the blog or you have some suggestions, please let me know!
Also, we would like to start the book club, Temple group, and walking group again. If anyone has any suggestions for other groups please let me know! If you want to be a part of any of these groups and aren't on the email list for them, please leave me your email.
And finally, I have created a 'Segolily Sisters' group on Facebook for those of us that are on Facebook as another way of informing everyone of Enrichment happenings. I have invited all the sisters I know on Facebook to this group. If you know of anyone else on Facebook that was left out of this group, please let me know.

Thank you for all the love and support! I am excited to have some fun with all of you!

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